Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Drive Me to the Moon, Sunday March 21, 2010

Boy those evil hackers must have done a real number on the website because half the links were dead dead dead as of Friday night. At least the front page is now loading without the google skull and crossbones beware all who enter will become zombified-bots warning.

As of today it’s officially not winter anymore and I have a pretty lackadaisical attitude towards writing this month’s column; an uncertain malaise has befallen me. I don’t know exactly why…. the sun is shining, our pear tree is snowing white petals, the vegetable garden has been planted, the backyard isn’t a jungle of 3 foot high weeds, and all I want to do is lay around the picnic table and play my dobro.

Let’s see, what are my other symptoms….no gigs this month, the spring campout is still weeks away, the Father’s Day Festival is even further away, haven’t been to McGrath’s but twice this year…..must be a touch of the spring fever. What I need is a good stiff bluegrass tonic to pull me out of my funk and it just happens that the Infamous String Dusters are playing the Freight tonight. Strong medicine, but unfortunately it will only relieve my symptoms for a few weeks, at least until the spring campout, and hopefully I will be able to attend to get inoculated with a real, full strength dose of some Jammicillin.

Which brings me to another topic….I’ve included my dog in my columns on occasion as one of my important bluegrass buddies. Well ok maybe he’s a reluctant bluegrass buddy that I have to bribe with serious Frisbee time. In any case, one of my other really crucial bluegrass buds is my faithful steed….my truck. I believe that these unsung heros of bluegrass…our trucks and trailers, that carry us, and our gear, down long hot dusty roads to the festivals, deserve better recognition. We have among our CBA members some extraordinary highly visible vehicles that might be even more recognized than their owners, though the only one that comes to mind is a green VW camper whose owners are far from inconspicuous.

My truck isn’t any ordinary truck. Noooo, apart from being a most excellent, reliable bluegrass truck that has carried me to Grass Valley 3 years running, I think it is capable of driving to the moon. Seriously…it is on average about 233,818 miles from the earth’s surface to the moon’s surface and I have about 168,000 miles on my clock…so only 65,818 miles left to make it to the moon….or more accurately to traverse the same distance. My truck is a ’92 Nissan and at my current average of 9,333 miles per year it will only take another 7 or so years. Google tells me it is 151 miles from my house to the Nevada County fairgrounds so if I drive my truck only to the festival, 9,333 miles would be approximately 62 more Father’s Day festivals…..a number that, for mortal reasons, I am not likely to make. But if I include spring and fall campouts, then that number probably comes close to around 20 years…that I could do. Throw in jams, band practices, and gigs, and 7 or so years could be realistic. Now what was that noise I heard coming from my transmission yesterday.

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